21 Juni 2012


when you falling in love

when you try to look ur teacher presentation seriously

ur ava when you claim that you as a directioner

short hair?God Beatify You!


wif maReload, see that girl: fourth from left, center of da rows

what are you looking for?--"

Vintage Quarantine:3

an editting-view

I felt nearby that cloud

Nathasya, she often called me as her young-sister.

Amel + Ghezy, ma new crzy friends:D

Me between Tya and Byti, can you look their swellin' eyes?

people spoke that was a goal

when a loser shocked by her losing

would you mind to imagine how a child has big dreams to see an aurora on earth although she is in a sunspot? its looks like impossible thing, you can called it crazy YeaH. Same. Ogh. From this 26 letters you could found a thing, that can make you mad for this fuckin word: lose.


Thanks Lord for gimme that 'science' clss, let see what can i find from it with da others. Its silly to talk more wif them about all about sci. Obviously. Wanna in a class wif my yujenk to share our craziest thinkin'. Dear God, Ive got to tidy up, do you want to help? Cause you're da light!!:$

10 Juni 2012

a follower


kebanyakan cerita tentang orang dibanding diri sendiri, ehe.
apapula yang mau kuumbar?-_-

Jadi gini nih, umurku enam belas tahun. Selama nambelas tahun aku ikutin aku, yang bener-bener ultah itu rasanya pas yang kelimabelas. Lewat dari tempo ultahnya sih, soalnya pas hari-h acara perpisahan smp. Aku ngadain makan-makan gitulah di rumah.. yang dateng sohib-sohib selalu di kaki semua lah *eh, maksudnya di hati*.

Gak-ada-apa-apa-kok. Iya-gak-ada-apa-apa. Haha. Yang hadir pas ultahan sih pasti tau cerita, tapi bukannya maksudku ngenang gitu, bukan. Intinya seru laaaah;p. Seru makan barengnya, ngomong-ngomong-nya, diceplokinnya, diubek-ubek kamarnya, colek-krim-nya dan lain-lain haha. Aku gak tau kapan lagi momen sama temen yang bener-bener temennya itu terasa apalagi di hari ulang tahun kita sendiri ya. Ada sedikit publikasi di blognya siAmazinggana-_-

Kok jadi ungkit masa lalu:| Sekarang? kayak udah tua. Tahun depan udah punya ktp aja nih. HarryPotter aja udah tamat. Life goes on sih....-_-

Semakin punya banyak temen.. semakin jaga diri.. semakin mandiri.. mandi sendiri.. eh ini apa.