10 Juni 2013


AHOY EVERYONE! (Like Sir Graham Bell said) Sorry.

just post one of the programs we had (Beloved Student Organization of SHS 3 Jambi city). Let's guess? the commemoration of three days: they're Kartini's day, "sastra's day", national education's day, and recycle creation. I forget when all of it held._.
Let I share some photos I took..

From Ten-One, called TOASTCO, I tell you from left are: recycle creation, magazine

 From Ten-Two, called DNA, Magazine's name: VULGAR

From Ten-Three, called GENTTICO

Ten-Four, called WARRIOR, what a unique paper

 Ten-Five, called HEAVEN. I like the picture they made!

I lost the picture of Ten-Six. So sorrryyyyyyyy bleh.

Ten-Seven, called FIGARO. If I hear their name, I always think the cat of Minnie, how cute. 

From Eleven Science One, called El-Classico. THIS IS SO MAKE ME MEZMERIZED, although the hero  is getting black._.V

From Eleven Science Two, called ANGSO DUO

From Eleven Science Three, called PATRONUM. If I hear their name, in my mind is the piece of movie: Harry Potter, when Harry taught by Remus Lupin, spell EXPECTO PATRONUM to make a 'Patronus' to fight the Dementor. oh how beautiful my mind, next..

From my beloveloveloveloveloveloveloveloveloveloved class, Eleven Science Four. oh what a cute beautiful gorgeous art ya???????? hahaha. 
our magazine:

our handycraft: (night lamp)

From Eleven Science Five, called INFLOCKER 

From Eleven Social One, called UNESCO. Their magazine made from 'flanel paper'

From Eleven Social Two, called FAMOST. I like their style fufufu

and my job as a committee to upload the pictures is DONE.
then I upload some moments I love..

SOUND-team in Make Over Like Kartini Competition. They are Paulina, Firgi, and Dian :P

SOUND-representative, That is Yogi. He is in Jambi Legend Story Telling Competition. His story about ' Si Kelingking'

 SOUND-team in Cooking Competition. They are Charis, Gema, and Rezky. They cooked  Chicken Beasteak :ngences:


SOUND-representative in Dangdut Singing Competition. Puspa with Mr. Saring. She is the winner!!prokprok

me: nice closing

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